aapt dump strings

aapt dump strings chrome.apk

Print the contents of the resource table string pool in the APK.

String pool of 51923 unique UTF-8 non-sorted strings, 51923 entries and 0 styles using 2826408 bytes:

String #0: %1$3.2f GB available

String #1: %1$3.2f GB downloaded

String #2: %1$3.2f GB other apps

String #3: %1$3.2f KB available

String #4: %1$3.2f KB downloaded

String #5: %1$3.2f KB other apps

String #6: %1$3.2f MB available

String #7: %1$3.2f MB downloaded

String #8: %1$3.2f MB other apps

String #9: %1$d / %2$d

String #10: %1$d bookmark

String #11: %1$d bookmarks

String #12: %1$d days left

String #13: %1$d file downloaded

String #14: %1$d files downloaded

String #15: %1$d files left

String #16: %1$d hours left

String #17: %1$d mins left

String #18: %1$d of %2$d

String #19: %1$d open tab

String #20: %1$d open tabs

String #21: %1$d secs left

String #22: %1$s %2$s button

String #23: %1$s (Updated %2$s)

String #24: %1$s - Updated %2$s

String #25: %1$s / %2$s

String #26: %1$s / ?

String #27: %1$s Options

String #28: %1$s and more sites

String #29: %1$s bookmarks deleted

String #30: %1$s data savings

String #31: %1$s download failed because storage location is not reachable.

String #32: %1$s download failed due to an unknown error.

String #33: %1$s download failed due to file system errors.

String #34: %1$s download failed due to lack of storage space.

String #35: %1$s download failed due to network failures.

String #36: %1$s download failed due to server issues.

String #37: %1$s download prevented because file already exists.

String #38: %1$s downloaded
